Just wanted to drop everyone a quick update... I have a new build that I will be posting in a day or two... there wont be a ton of visible changes but this build will detect more types of directly playable content than the previous build. It also preps the app for a new user feature that I am adding very soon... I am adding the ability for end users to add their own content! This will mean you can add whatever podcasts, tv networks, etc you want to your setup! It will be a web based system that allows you to login to our site and add your content there... you will get an "Access Code" to plug into your settings page that will tie your installation to your account on our site. This will open up some pretty neat stuff in the future... we should have the ability to merge acceptable content from user accounts with the main listing of networks essentially allowing the entire community of SecondRun users to contribute to the collection of video that is available on the plugin! I have an early implementation of this working already and should be having testers start using it pretty soon (like in a few days).
I also wanted to let everyone know that I was able to get a sponsor for the project... if you run a business and are interested in being a sponsor for SecondRun please contact me directly at:
[email protected] we are open to all sorts of programs and budgets so we can work with you to create a sponsorhip plan that will really suit your needs.
Also... we have a pretty heafty hosting plan running SecondRun.tv and it will probably need to get bigger once we start allowing users to add their own content... So... if you can please consider donating to help keep SecondRun alive.